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The Axel Show The Axel Show
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The Axel Show Youtube channel statistics

The Axel Show
Video views
Video count
Estimated earnings in past 30 days
$ 1.88K - $ 11.3K
last 7 days
last 30 days
last 90 days
last 7 days
Video views
last 30 days
last 90 days
Date Video views Estimated earnings
16.04.2024 Tue +653,672 $ 245 - $ 1.47K
12.04.2024 Fri +870,864 $ 326 - $ 1.96K
07.04.2024 Sun +655,669 $ 245 - $ 1.48K
03.04.2024 Wed +932,853 $ 349 - $ 2.1K
30.03.2024 Sat +670,357 $ 251 - $ 1.51K
25.03.2024 Mon +687,700 $ 257 - $ 1.55K
21.03.2024 Thu +553,714 $ 207 - $ 1.25K
18.03.2024 Mon +456,687 $ 171 - $ 1.03K
14.03.2024 Thu +681,693 $ 255 - $ 1.53K
10.03.2024 Sun +547,950 $ 205 - $ 1.23K
07.03.2024 Thu +776,596 $ 291 - $ 1.75K
04.03.2024 Mon +679,584 $ 254 - $ 1.53K
29.02.2024 Thu +554,717 $ 208 - $ 1.25K
26.02.2024 Mon +797,282 $ 298 - $ 1.79K

The Axel Show biography

The Axel Show is a popular children's YouTube channel that features a young boy named Axel and his family as they play with and review various toys. The channel was started by Axel's parents in 2015 and has since grown in popularity, with over 2 million subscribers and hundreds of millions of views on their videos. Axel and his family have become beloved figures in the YouTube kids' community, and their channel is known for its fun, positive content and family-friendly atmosphere.

The Axel Show controversies

Unfortunately, The Axel Show has also faced some controversy over the years. Some viewers have criticized the channel for promoting consumerism and some of the marketing tactics they use to sell toys to their young audience. Additionally, some have also expressed concerns about the potential impact that the channel's content could have on children's behavior and development. Despite this, supporters of The Axel Show argue that they are simply providing harmless entertainment for kids and that it is ultimately up to parents to monitor their children's exposure to media.

The Axel Show famous quotes

'What's up, everybody!'
'Let's get to it!'
'This is gonna be awesome!'
'Three, two, one, action!'
'It's time for another awesome video!'
'Thank you so much for watching, and we'll see you in the next one!'
'Hit that like button if you had fun!'
'Remember, stay awesome and have a great day!'
'You guys are the best!'
'We'll catch you in the next one!'