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SaffronBarkerVlogs Saffron Julie Barker
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Youtuber since
YouTuber, Influencer
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SaffronBarkerVlogs net worth

$ 77.2K - $ 463K *

SaffronBarkerVlogs income

$ 5
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 46
last 30 days
$ 127
last 90 days

As of 2021, Saffron Barker's net worth is estimated to be around $2 million. This comes from her successful career as a YouTuber, social media influencer, author and TV personality. Saffron has also launched her own merchandise line, which includes clothing, accessories and beauty products.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

SaffronBarkerVlogs estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 19
March 2024$ 39
February 2024$ 39
January 2024$ 21
December 2023$ 62
November 2023$ 37
October 2023$ 51
July 2023$ 30
June 2023$ 35
May 2023$ 30
April 2023$ 55
March 2023$ 55
February 2023$ 51
January 2023$ 61
December 2022$ 66
November 2022$ 56
October 2022$ 63
September 2022$ 33
August 2022$ 63
July 2022$ 71
June 2022$ 76
May 2022$ 48

SaffronBarkerVlogs Frequently Asked Questions

How old is Saffron Barker?

Saffron Barker was born on July 24, 2000, which makes her 21 years old as of 2021.

What does Saffron Barker do for a living?

Saffron Barker is a YouTuber, social media influencer, author and TV personality.

Is Saffron Barker married?

No, Saffron Barker is not married.

Does Saffron Barker have any siblings?

Yes, Saffron Barker has two younger brothers named Casey and Jed.

Where is Saffron Barker from?

Saffron Barker is from Brighton, England.

What is Saffron Barker's most viewed video?

Saffron Barker's most viewed video on YouTube is "My Morning Routine" with over 10 million views.

Does Saffron Barker have her own merchandise line?

Yes, Saffron Barker has launched her own merchandise line, which includes clothing, accessories and beauty products.