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Mr. Dapperton Andrew Rose Gregory
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Youtuber since
Musician and YouTuber
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Mr. Dapperton net worth

$ 1.89K - $ 11.4K *

Mr. Dapperton income

$ 13
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 34
last 30 days
$ 123
last 90 days

As of 2021, Mr. Dapperton's net worth is estimated to be around $1 million. He earns revenue from his music sales, YouTube channel, and merchandise sales.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Mr. Dapperton estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 22
March 2024$ 29
February 2024$ 42
January 2024$ 14
December 2023$ -10
November 2023$ -171
October 2023$ 50
July 2023$ 179
June 2023$ 130
May 2023$ 28
April 2023$ 15
March 2023$ 21
February 2023$ 94
January 2023$ 33
December 2022$ 12
November 2022$ 22
October 2022$ 15
September 2022$ 21
August 2022$ 7
July 2022$ 2.58K
June 2022$ 41
May 2022$ 1

Mr. Dapperton Frequently Asked Questions

What inspired Mr. Dapperton's stage name?

Mr. Dapperton is a combination of Dapper, meaning stylish or fashionable, and Davenport, which is a type of comfortable sofa.

What are some of Mr. Dapperton's most popular songs?

Some of Mr. Dapperton's most popular songs include "Falling Apart", "Mismatched Eyes (Boat Club)", and "Let's Go Home".

Does Mr. Dapperton have any upcoming tour dates?

As of 2021, Mr. Dapperton has not announced any upcoming tour dates.

What is Mr. Dapperton's favorite thing about making music?

Mr. Dapperton has stated that his favorite thing about making music is the ability to express himself and connect with his fans.

Where can I buy Mr. Dapperton's merchandise?

Mr. Dapperton's merchandise is available for purchase on his website at

What is Mr. Dapperton's favorite color?

Mr. Dapperton's favorite color is yellow.

How did Mr. Dapperton get into music?

Mr. Dapperton began playing music when he was 10 years old. He taught himself how to play guitar and started writing his own songs in high school.

What is Mr. Dapperton's favorite food?

Mr. Dapperton's favorite food is pizza.