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Top Youtube channels

rankYoutubersubscribersvideo viewsvideo countcategorystarted
1 T-SeriesT-Series 285,000,000 283,806,785,564 22,633 Music 2006
2 Cocomelon - Nursery RhymesCocomelon - Nursery Rhymes 189,000,000 196,339,117,110 1,417 Education 2006
3 SET IndiaSET India 181,000,000 174,268,719,342 150,775 Shows 2006
4 Sony SABSony SAB 99,000,000 125,219,724,291 95,758 Shows 2007
5 ✿ Kids Diana Show✿ Kids Diana Show 130,000,000 110,615,652,271 1,302 People & Blogs 2015
6 Like NastyaLike Nastya 125,000,000 109,664,873,950 924 People & Blogs 2016
7 Vlad and NikiVlad and Niki 133,000,000 101,894,784,227 851 Entertainment 2018
8 Zee TVZee TV 87,500,000 99,437,007,958 198,047 Entertainment 2005
9 WWEWWE 107,000,000 91,351,240,982 82,025 Sports 2007
10 Toys and ColorsToys and Colors 71,200,000 86,532,399,012 1,437 Entertainment 2016
11 Colors TVColors TV 78,500,000 77,546,370,737 203,396 Shows 2008
12 Zee Music CompanyZee Music Company 114,000,000 74,034,724,954 13,382 Music 2014
13 MrBeastMrBeast 353,000,000 71,334,713,235 844 Entertainment 2012
14 HAR PAL GEOHAR PAL GEO 64,400,000 66,278,661,247 157,396 Entertainment 2008
15 El Reino InfantilEl Reino Infantil 67,700,000 65,088,654,858 1,740 Music 2011

Top Youtube channels - detail stats

rankYoutubersubscribers/yearVideo views/YearVideo count/Year
1 T-SeriesT-Series 15,000,000 14,937,199,240 1,191
2 Cocomelon - Nursery RhymesCocomelon - Nursery Rhymes 9,947,368 10,333,637,742 74
3 SET IndiaSET India 9,526,315 9,172,037,860 7,935
4 Sony SABSony SAB 5,500,000 6,956,651,349 5,319
5 ✿ Kids Diana Show✿ Kids Diana Show 13,000,000 11,061,565,227 130
6 Like NastyaLike Nastya 13,888,888 12,184,985,994 102
7 Vlad and NikiVlad and Niki 19,000,000 14,556,397,746 121
8 Zee TVZee TV 4,375,000 4,971,850,397 9,902
9 WWEWWE 5,944,444 5,075,068,943 4,556
10 Toys and ColorsToys and Colors 7,911,111 9,614,711,001 159
11 Colors TVColors TV 4,617,647 4,561,551,219 11,964
12 Zee Music CompanyZee Music Company 10,363,636 6,730,429,541 1,216
13 MrBeastMrBeast 27,153,846 5,487,285,633 64
14 HAR PAL GEOHAR PAL GEO 3,788,235 3,898,744,779 9,258
15 El Reino InfantilEl Reino Infantil 4,835,714 4,649,189,632 124