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El Pájaro Loco El Pájaro Loco
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El Pájaro Loco Youtube channel statistics

El Pájaro Loco
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Estimated earnings in past 30 days
$ 7.39K - $ 44.3K
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Date Video views Estimated earnings
14.04.2024 Sun +4,436,243 $ 1.66K - $ 9.98K
10.04.2024 Wed +3,179,051 $ 1.19K - $ 7.15K
05.04.2024 Fri +2,974,285 $ 1.12K - $ 6.69K
01.04.2024 Mon +3,845,167 $ 1.44K - $ 8.65K
27.03.2024 Wed +2,758,015 $ 1.03K - $ 6.21K
23.03.2024 Sat +2,503,369 $ 938 - $ 5.63K
19.03.2024 Tue +1,930,978 $ 724 - $ 4.34K
16.03.2024 Sat +2,328,546 $ 873 - $ 5.24K
12.03.2024 Tue +3,391,519 $ 1.27K - $ 7.63K
08.03.2024 Fri +2,554,196 $ 957 - $ 5.75K
05.03.2024 Tue +3,371,731 $ 1.26K - $ 7.59K
02.03.2024 Sat +3,796,342 $ 1.42K - $ 8.54K
28.02.2024 Wed +1,929,963 $ 723 - $ 4.34K
25.02.2024 Sun +3,093,809 $ 1.16K - $ 6.96K

El Pájaro Loco biography

El Pájaro Loco is a popular animated character known for his comedic and mischievous behavior. The character first appeared in 1940 and has since gained a significant following worldwide. With his distinctive red crest and laugh, El Pájaro Loco has become an icon in the world of animation. The character has starred in numerous television shows, movies, and comic books, entertaining audiences of all ages. Known for his flamboyant personality and unpredictable nature, El Pájaro Loco continues to captivate audiences with his hilarious antics and slapstick humor. His unique style of comedy, combined with his energetic and somewhat erratic behavior, has made him a beloved character in the entertainment industry.

El Pájaro Loco controversies

Despite his popularity, El Pájaro Loco has not been without controversy. Some critics argue that his portrayal of certain ethnic stereotypes is offensive and perpetuates negative stereotypes. Others have expressed concerns about the level of violence depicted in some of his cartoons, especially towards other characters. Nonetheless, it is important to note that El Pájaro Loco is primarily meant to be a lighthearted and entertaining character, and his actions should be viewed in that context. It is up to individual viewers to decide how they interpret and respond to his comedy.

El Pájaro Loco famous quotes

"¡Ja, ja, ja, ja, está loco este pájaro!"
"¡Qué tal, amigos! Soy el Pájaro Loco!"
"¡Bueno bueno, a lo nuestro!"
"¡Ha sido un gusto, pájaros!"
"¡Vamonos de aquí antes de que se le antoje chantaje!"
"¡Escúchenme, pájaros! ¡Ustedes son los elegidos para una misión especial!"
"¡No puedo dejarle en paz ni un minuto! ¡Ni un minuto, oiga usted!"
"¡Todo sea por el ¿buen? nombre del Pájaro Loco!"
"¡Siempre he querido que me roben el corazón! ¡Me emociono hasta el punto de la sorpresa!"
"¡¡Imposible que El Pájaro Loco esté enamorado!!"