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Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM The Breakfast Club
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Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM net worth

$ 1.17M - $ 7.03M *

Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM income

$ 3.33K
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 26.3K
last 30 days
$ 83.3K
last 90 days

The exact net worth of The Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM is unknown, but it is estimated that the show brings in around $3 million in revenue each year. The show has several sources of income, including advertising, sponsorships, and merchandise sales. The Breakfast Club has also expanded beyond radio, with a popular YouTube channel and live events.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 10.5K
March 2024$ 28.7K
February 2024$ 26.4K
January 2024$ 9.2K
December 2023$ 13.8K
November 2023$ 15.9K
October 2023$ 24.3K
July 2023$ 15.7K
June 2023$ 28.5K
May 2023$ 21K
April 2023$ 19K
March 2023$ 26.4K
February 2023$ 25.3K
January 2023$ 20.1K
December 2022$ 22.5K
November 2022$ 25.8K
October 2022$ 37.3K
September 2022$ 20.4K
August 2022$ 34.9K
July 2022$ 18.8K
June 2022$ 21.3K
May 2022$ 27.9K

Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM Frequently Asked Questions

When did The Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM premiere?

The show premiered in December 2010.

Who are the hosts of The Breakfast Club?

The hosts are DJ Envy, Angela Yee, and Charlamagne Tha God.

What types of guests are featured on The Breakfast Club?

The show features interviews with celebrities from the world of hip-hop, entertainment, politics, and more.

How much revenue does The Breakfast Club bring in each year?

It is estimated that the show brings in around $3 million in revenue each year.

Has The Breakfast Club been associated with any controversies?

Yes, the show has been associated with several controversies over the years.

What other platforms does The Breakfast Club have besides radio?

The show has a popular YouTube channel and hosts live events.

What is a famous quote from The Breakfast Club?

Put some respect on my name.

What is the focus of The Breakfast Club's discussions?

The show has a particular focus on issues facing the black community.